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Clipping path?

A Clipping path is created in photoshop by drawing around an object manually using the pen tool. Clipping paths are both used for cutting out an object and for text wrapping.

The uses of clipping path

Clipping paths are used in product photography all the time, mainly as it enables you to remove the background from a product image. The clipping path is drawn around the product which gives the ability to isolate the object to either change the background or save as a transparent image. This process is also known as “cutting out, or “cut-outs”

Why outsource clipping paths?

Clipping images is a time-consuming job that involves a lot of manual processes such as drawing around the product with a pen tool, to do this accurately you have to zoom in quite close which involves a lot of moving around. This process can slow down your production when there could be better time spent taking more photos, being creative or working on your e-commerce strategies. It is vital that this is done properly and not rushed so it makes perfect sense to outsource to the professionals.

The same with any service it’s important that you have good communication, quick delivery and a quality end result going for the “cheapest” will only cause you to miss important deadlines and put unnecessary stresses on an all-important process.

Image of a piece of jewellery clipped with a black background & a transparent background

Image clipping prices?

Choosing the cheapest clipping path service provider is only going to end in tears. These tend to be poorly run operations with little or no communication, they do not have the capacity for quick turnarounds & they won’t have quality assurance. These operations will have no management practices with poor working conditions, For Example, John Lewis’s clothing manufacturing will have strict corporate responsibilities (CSR) so why shouldn’t their product images? Don’t get drawn in by the 50¢ per image they will only disappoint even if they do deliver late.

PSDclip’s Clipping Path Service

Next day guaranteed delivery4 Hour expedite option Manually Hand-drawn clipping paths Online ordering system Pay onlineMonthly payment optionsUsed by leading brands, retailers, and photo studiosHigh volume capacityExcellent communicationShadowing optionsHigh volume discount

Image of a product with the clipping path selected


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